Oooh, kinky!

August 21, 2011 § Leave a comment

Designers the world over are bringing sexy back.

The big trend for A/W 11 is going to be, well, SEX!  Think dominatrix if you’re really brave, or add a few key pieces to your wardrobe to give your own little nod to the trend – maybe try a patent leather clutch or a waist cinching belt.

As long as it looks leather, rubber, or PVC, anything goes.

The Inspiration

Only joking!

The Inspiration

Agent Provocateur - Maggie Playsuit - £195

A/W 11 Louis Vuitton

Jimmy Choo A/W 11

Polyester mesh body suit, Miss Selfridge Was £18, Now £7 (61% off)

Giles A/W 11

Giles A/W 11

Pucci A/W 11

Team this vest with a sheer silk blouse/shirt such as the one by Antipodium below.

Black leather Ugg boots, Topshop Was £200, Now £70 (65% off)

Personally I’m sick of the sight of Uggs, but if you still can’t get enough then grab these bargain black leather ones.

Leather Sandals, River Island, Was £49, Now £10 (80% off)

Jewel Tones at Primark A/W 2011

July 11, 2011 § Leave a comment

It is a fact that when anyone thinks of Primark, they think of long queues, messy shop floors, stifling heat, overcrowding… the list goes on.  I was in the Oxford Street store yesterday where I witnessed a woman strip down to her bare chest in order to try on a bra.  My gut reaction was shock.  Scandalous!  Disgraceful!  Disgusting!  But then I thought fair dos to the woman, after all the queue for the fitting room had like 40 people in it.

After each shopping experience in the store, I swear to myself to never return to such a stress-inducing hive, but I always do.  Primark remains our purse-friendly fashion fix, essential for everyday basics (I bought trainer socks, tights and camis) but also for a range of products which acknowledge and praise the upcoming trends of the season.

One such trend is the jewel tone.

To sum this up in a word, it would have to be glamour.  Think sheer fabrics in rich and vibrant blues, reds and greens.

Here’s a real beauty from Primark’s new collection in both red and blue, and a similar number from Gucci.

Sapphire Jumpsuit

Jumpsuit from Gucci's A/W 11 Collection

Ruby Primark Jumpsuit

Now onto turquoise, which is actually the name of a semi-precious stone so I’m going to class this as an honorary jewel.  The following dress is frankly the epitome of sexy, again from Gucci, along with Primark’s comparable number.

Turquoise Dress Gucci A/W 11

Primark Dress A/W 11

OK maybe I’m clutching at straws when I say comparable…

Anyway, take a look at these cropped trousers

Cropped Trousers Primark A/W 11

They’re a good buy and a great transitional piece for summer to autumn.

All in all, Primark has had a decent stab at the trend, and the jumpsuits in particular I think are an ultra-glamourous addition to any wardrobe.  Yes, the seams may be loose at the time of purchase, the fabric may transform in the first wash, or it might not quite make it to see the washing machine at all, but hey, it’s like anything else in life, you get what you pay for, and for Primark it’s worth it every time.

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